Breast Reduction

Reduction Mammoplasty

Lighter, Brighter, Beautiful

A breast reduction procedure removes excess tissue from the breasts, reshaping and lightening the bust for enhanced comfort and proportion.
  • Improved posture
  • Back, neck, and shoulder pain relief
  • More wardrobe options
Breast reductions sculpt comfort, improve flexibility, and balance your beauty for a truly empowered you.

What Is a Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty)?

A breast reduction surgery, also known as a reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure that aims to alleviate physical discomfort and enhance quality of life by reducing and reshaping excessively large breasts.

Women with oversized breasts often endure symptoms like neck, shoulder, and back pain, along with skin irritation and clothing fitting challenges. Through the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, this surgical procedure achieves a more proportionate breast size relative to the rest of their bodies, improving symmetry and contour. Breast reduction surgery not only relieves physical discomfort but also enhances aesthetic appearance, boosting self-confidence and well-being.

Benefits of a Breast Reduction

  • Relieves physical discomfort including neck, shoulder, and back pain
  • Enhances posture by minimizing strain on the upper body
  • Improves mobility and flexibility
  • Decreases skin irritation and rashes beneath the breasts
  • Facilitates finding comfortable clothing
  • Elevates self-confidence and body image
  • Enhances capability to participate in physical activities and exercise
  • Improves breast symmetry and proportion
  • Reduces the volume and weight of excessively large breasts
  • Can revert inverted nipples
  • Can address symptoms of micromastia

Breast Reduction Before & After

Slide to see breast reduction before and after.

Patient's desire: Smaller, lighter breasts more proportional to her frame

Slide to see Breast Reduction before and after, front facing view.
Slide to see Breast Reduction before and after, side profile.
Slide to see Breast Reduction before and after, front facing view.
Slide to see Breast Reduction before and after, side profile.

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Slide to see breast reduction before and after.
Slide to see breast reduction before and after.
Slide to see breast reduction before and after side profile.
Slide to see Breast Reduction before and after, head on.
Slide to see Breast Reduction before and after, side profile

How Much Does A Breast Reduction Cost?

  • Surgeon's experience and expertise
  • Geographic location of the surgical facility
  • Procedure complexity, including the amount of tissue to be removed and the technique used
  • Facility fees, including operating room costs and anesthesia fees
  • Pre-operative evaluations and tests
  • Additional procedures performed alongside the breast reduction, such as breast lift or liposuction
  • Post-operative care and follow-up appointments
  • Use of specialized techniques or technology
  • Individual patient factors, such as medical history and unique anatomical considerations
  • Insurance coverage and financing options available

Does Insurance Cover Breast Reduction Cost?

Insurance may cover a breast reduction procedure if it's deemed medically necessary to relieve physical symptoms like chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain, along with skin irritation or weight distribution imbalance caused by conditions like Micromastia, and physical limitations can be attributed to overly large breasts creating excess tension and strain in these areas.

It's important to note that more often than not, a plastic surgeon does not give the authorization usually required by an insurance company to cover a breast reduction surgery. A primary care physician can recommend a breast reduction procedure and refer the patient to a plastic surgeon. Insurance providers usually require documentation of symptoms and this recommendation, and may set criteria for the amount of breast tissue to be removed. Pre-authorization and thorough submission of medical records are typically required for insurance approval.

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Breast Reduction Recovery Timeline

Overall, the breast reduction recovery timeline varies for each individual but typically spans several weeks to months, with gradual improvement in comfort, appearance, and overall well-being. The following is a fairly standard breast reduction recovery progression:

Immediate Post-Operative Period (Days 1-2): Immediately following a breast reduction procedure, patients may experience grogginess and discomfort as the effects of anesthesia wear off. Pain, swelling, and bruising around the breasts and chest area are common and can be managed with prescribed pain medications and cold compresses. Patients are advised to rest and avoid strenuous activities during this initial recovery period.

First Week (Days 3-7): Pain and discomfort gradually decrease, although some swelling and bruising may persist. Continue resting and avoid lifting heavy objects or engaging in exercise or otherwise rigorous activities. It's important to adhere to post-operative instructions regarding wound care, medication, and wearing compression garments as prescribed by the surgeon. Follow-up appointments with the surgeon may be scheduled to monitor healing progress and address any concerns.

Weeks 2-4: Swelling and bruising continue to diminish, and patients may begin to feel more comfortable. Some patients may be able to gradually return to light activities and work, although heavy lifting or strenuous exercise should still be avoided during this time. Incisions begin to heal, although breast reduction scars may still be noticeable and require ongoing care and attention.
A post-operative appointment with the surgeon is tyipcally scheduled to assess healing progress and discuss any concerns or questions.

Weeks 4-6: By this time, most swelling and bruising have subsided, and patients may notice a significant improvement in their breast appearance and overall comfort. Patients can gradually increase their activity level and may be able to resume normal daily activities, including exercise, under the guidance of their surgeon. Breast reduction scar management techniques, such as silicone gel or tape, may be recommended to promote optimal healing and minimize scar visibility.

Long-Term Recovery (Months 3-6+): Final results of breast reduction surgery become more apparent as swelling resolves completely and scars continue to fade. Patients can enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of their surgery, including relief from symptoms like neck, shoulder, and back pain, improved body image, and enhanced self-confidence. Ongoing breast health monitoring, including regular self-examinations and mammograms as recommended by the surgeon, is essential for long-term breast health and to minimize breast reduction scars in the long run.

Considering a Breast Reduction? Bliss Aesthetics Has You Covered.

At Bliss Aesthetics, we're dedicated to realizing your cosmetic aspirations. We'll match you with seasoned professionals for elective procedures like breast reduction, providing vital information, resources, and access to top-tier experts for self-enhancement. Bliss Aesthetics also offers extensive financial support options for seamless access to safe, quality care.

Get started! Complete a brief questionnaire about your aesthetic goals and book a complimentary consultation with our Bliss Patient Consultant.

Let's get your glow up started!

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